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Arnold Matthews

Arnold Matthews

Associate Minister

     Born November 10, 1960, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the second of three children to Moody Arnold Matthews and Aurelia Diane Wright. From a child, I was taught the importance of not only reading the Holy Bible but studying it as well. It would be the example of my maternal grandmother, Virginia Wright, that would lay the foundation of Christ within me. My paternal great grandmother would also be instrumental for my preparation to the ministry, for she continuously laid hands on me praying over me while I was a child. My mother's graceful walk with Christ would be the example I needed as I entered the ministry, learning how to deal with people from all walks of life.


     Graduated from Peabody High with honors in 1978, I attended the University of Pittsburgh from 1978 - 1980. My love for God and my continuous search for my destiny led me to embrace Islam, the second largest religion on the planet, behind Christianity. I became a member of the Nation of Islam for 18 months. My commitment to God coupled with a pure heart propelled me to the rank of minister within months. I met and talked with Minister Louis Farrakhan several times, and I humbly told him Christ is calling me I must see where He leads me, Farrakhan's last words to me were, " I know brother, be careful"

     Proverbs 22:6   "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it". My journey back home, back to Christ had begun. Attended Moody Bible School and the Reformed Theological Seminary of Pittsburgh from 1984 - 1986.    

Joined Mount Ararat Baptist Church in 1989 and became a Deacon under the leadership of Bishop Donald O. Clay from 1990 -1994. 

        Moved to Orlando Florida in 1995 with the intent of not wanting to serve in leadership, but God had other plans. Like the prophet Jonah, there's no where you can go, and no where you can hide from God, especially if He has given you an assignment. My punishment, in the belly of the whale for 52 months. This is where God began to enhance a few of my leadership skills: teaching, praising, administering, and serving the Body Of Christ. 

      From 2010 - 2016 I served under the leadership of Pastor Rico Sharp as an associate minister formerly, "Spirit Of Truth Ministries", now "The Word Center", Sanford Florida. 


      Upon visiting Fairlawn Baptist Church several times in 2019, it did not take me long to join this magnificent ministry. It is indeed an honor and privilege to serve under the anointed leadership of Pastor Harold Edwards Sr. Despite the fact of living in Orlando Florida, I am committed to the vision and leadership of this mighty man of God.

Arnold Matthews: Leadership
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